Minister Ali Hosh at the Frontlines


In the frontlines of Jubaland, the Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation H.E Ali Yusuf Ali Hosh visited Buulo Haji, an area which has been liberated from the khawarij terrorist gangs three weeks ago.


The Minister was joined at the frontlines by Jubaland Ministers of Interior, Education, and Security, as well as the mayor of Kismayo, members of parliament, and security officials.


“Your Excellency, your visit today is one for the history books. You are the first federal official to visit the frontlines of this region. We thank you, and we hope to share with you the successes of our security forces”

H.E Yusuf Dhumaal, Minister of Security, Jubaland State


“I see here true patriots, brave fighters, and liberators. I thank you, and your country thanks you.”

* H.E Ali Yusuf Ali Hosh, Minister of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation


Two days after the Ministers visit to Buulo Haaji, the Somali Disaster Management Agency delivered food and medical aid to the newly liberated community of Buulo Haaji.