Media Night at the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation


The Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation H.E Ali Yusuf Ali (Hosh) had an introductory dinner with the heads of the National, International and Independent Media, where he briefed them on the communications priorities of the Ministry and how they can support.


Also in attendance, the heads of the National Commission for Refugees and IDPs, the Somali Disaster Management Agency and the National Identification and Registration Authority.


“As Somalia goes through a sensitive time of liberation and stabilisation, we need your work as the link between us and the people we serve.”

H.E Ali Yusuf Ali Hosh, Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation


The Deputy Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation H.E Abdihakim Ashkir thanked the media representatives for being the link between the government and the people of Somalia.


“If it wasn’t for the media spreading awareness, we would have lost a lot more people to the floods and other environmental disasters, so allow me take this opportunity to thank you for saving the lives of our people.”

Mahamuud Moallim, Somali Disaster Management Agency


Speaking on behalf of the Media, Senior Independent Journalist Yussuf Hassan thanked the Minister of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation, and his communications team for being the first government office to engage the media in such an event.


Commissioner Safia Mohamed of the National Commission for Refugees and IDPs touched on the importance of the media in raising awareness for the concerns and challenges facing refugees and IDPs in Somalia.