The state minister Opens Training Center for Conflict Resolution Issues



The State Minister of the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation H.E Sadad Alio, accompanied by the Minister of Interior Affairs of Jubbaland Mr. Mohammed Ibraahim Oogle and the Director General of Planning and Monitoring of the Ministry of Interior Affairs Mr. Abdiqani Wehliye opened a training center in Kismaayo, the capital of Jubbaland State, dedicated to conflict resolution issues.


A workshop to raise the awareness of Jubbaland state officials in independence issues was jointly organized by the General Directorate of Population Services and Statistics of Civil Conditions of the Ministry of Interior of the FGS and the Ministry of Interior of Jubbaland State. and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


Finally, the Ministry of Interior has been making significant efforts in recent times towards achieving a resolution of conflict issues.