- July 15, 2023
- Posted by: Eng Abdiladif Ali
- Categories: Banaadir, Kulamada, Wararka

Mogadishu July 15, 2023; Director General of the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation (MoiFAR), Mr. Aidarus Moalim Hassan chaired a meeting Early Recovery Working group.
This meeting was attended by representatives from the Office of the President, The Ministry of Defense, The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Security and the Ministry of Water alongside the Somali National Army, and the Somali Disaster Management Agency. To discuss and facilitate the coordination of the stabilization and early recovery efforts of the government.
Ramadan Ilmi, MoIFAR’s Senior Stabilization Coordinator started off the discussion, taking the participants through the meeting objectives, guidelines and the Terms of Reference (ToR) of the working group.
This was followed by a presentation by Mohamed Ahmed Cantoobo, the Director of Stabilization at the Ministry of Internal Security on the current security updates in the field. Subsequent presentations and updates by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Water and Energy, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Ministry of Health and Human Services.
To conclude, the director of the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation Aidarus Moallin Hassan, thanked the working group for their efforts in expanding the early recovery efforts of the government and changing the lives of newly liberated communities.