The Director General of the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation Aidarus Mo’allim Hassan chaired this week’s
inter-ministerial stabilization task force meeting, which brought together Somalia’s federal ministries and security agencies.
“The aim of this task force is to coordinate government efforts on stabilization and recovery aimed at newly liberated communities. We each have a role to play in bettering the lives of our people experiencing freedom and government presence for the first time in a long time”, Mr. Aidarus Mo’allim Hassan, Director General of the Ministry of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation.
The following are updates from the inter-ministerial task force meeting;
- Somalia’s Disaster Management Agency provided an update on emergency preparedness and humanitarian assistance in the newly liberated areas of Gal’ad, Harardheer and Eeldheer. SODMA is looking at providing urgent food and medical assistance to these communities.
- The Ministry of Health and Human services plans to deliver medical and nutrition services to the newly liberated communities while preparing the same for upcoming liberation operations.
- The Ministry of Energy and Water stated that in an effort to destroy livelihoods and exacerbate the effects of the drought, Khawarij terror groups have been poisoned and destroying water points, adding to the plight of innocent civilians.
- The Ministry of Justice and Constitution on their partnership with the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation to deliver justice and reconciliation initiatives in the newly liberated communities.
Various reports presented at the meeting emphasized the government’s commitment to the stabilization and recovery efforts in newly recovered areas efforts such as, food, medicine, and more.