The Director General of the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation Mr. Aidarus Mo’allim Hassan Opened the National Reconciliation Framework (NRF) Technical Review Workshop, attended by representatives from different levels of government, civil society & women’s groups.
“As Somalis, we tried many different reconciliation approaches, but never an organic approach that was a true reflection of the priorities of our community. That is why this discussion gives me hope”, His Excellency Aidarus Mo’allim Hassan, Director General of Ministry of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation.
On the other hand, Mr. Abdirahman Hashi Farah, Director of the Reconciliation Department of the Ministry of Interior Federal Affairs and Reconciliation, who also spoke at the meeting, explained the meeting’s objectives, citing points such as:
- A general review of the National Reconciliation Framework (NRF);
- The NRF should be enhanced with key information that are currently missing;
- To make it a realistic process that gets to the root of the conflict and the core of the solution;
- To make it a system in line with the government’s policy, in line with the changes going on in the country and other issues.
In Addition, Among the officials who spoke at the meeting Ali Abdi Aware, the Prime Minister’s Adviser on Reconciliation, stated that it is critical to include climate change and extremist issues in this process.
The Director of Social Affairs of the Presidency, Mohamed Aden Dugow, emphasized the importance of genuine reconciliation among Somalis and the urgent need for a social agreement that will significantly contribute to developing.
And lastly, The Chief of Civil Society, Osman Muhidin Shatax, also added that this review has added a lot of important things, praising the importance given to increase.
This multifaceted National Reconciliation, Review included presentations from MoIFAR’s Reconciliation, Federalism, Stabilization, and Local Governance teams, as well as questions and comments from reconciliation experts in the President’s Office, Prime Minister’s Office, Women Group, and Civil Society, among others.
Watch: Director General of the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs and Reconciliation Mr.Aidarus Mo’allim Hassan Remark from
the National Reconciliation Framework (NRF) Technical Review Workshop. https://fb.watch/i3Gjntjgsp/